Challenge of the Cevennes valleys: the adventure begins in Bassurels…, All sport

Challenge of the Cevennes valleys: the adventure begins in Bassurels…, All sport
Challenge of the Cevennes valleys: the adventure begins in Bassurels…, All sport

And off we go again for a magnificent tour in the Cévennes. Like every year, simplicity, sport and family spirit will be there thanks to the dynamic Challenge des Vallées Cévenoles association, created in 2006, and which has the sole aim of promoting running in the Lozère Cévennes. Like last year, six hiking races will punctuate the summer season. If each is autonomous, all together constitute a challenge. Attention, runner friends, to be classified, you must participate in at least four events. But, rest assured, the less daring can still line up at the start of a single event, without aiming for the general classification! “We try to remain simple, to organize events on a human scale which are open to all,” explains president Sébastien Tichit, before adding: “Our priority is to ensure a good atmosphere on more each exceptional, to help people discover our Cévennes territory, our villages and our local producers through the awards.”

The Pont de l’Ayrette Roundabout

So, the appointment is June 16 in Bassurels for the Ronde du Pont de l’Ayrette. The route concocted with love allows the discovery of the environmental heritage of the agropastoralism zone labeled in 2011 as UNESCO World Heritage. This race was planned in 2021 in the middle of the Covid pandemic… and its success was then uncertain. But the organizing association, Patrimoine Bassurels, did not give up. In connection with the Challenge des Vallées Cévenoles, this small institution of general interest, which works for the knowledge, protection and enhancement of the historical, cultural and environmental heritage of the commune of Bassurels and Haut-Valborgne, is is truly dedicated to the greater glory of this little piece of Lozère which now shines thanks to a great race and a dedicated website, all run by around twenty volunteers passionate about nature and heritage.

These are all arguments which should encourage runners to register… At La Lozère Nouvelle, we are taking bets, this Challenge des Vallées Cévenoles, of which we are proud to be partners, will shatter the already very high participation records. last year. But there remains a little doubt, who will compete in the competition: which of the six meetings will bring together the most participants? And there, runner friends, you will be the only ones to decide… by registering en masse. But have no doubt, a family atmosphere, grandiose landscapes, gourmet rewards and fierce competition will inevitably be there, whatever the race!



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