Islamist provocation in Montreal | The Montreal Journal

Islamist provocation in Montreal | The Montreal Journal
Islamist provocation in Montreal | The Montreal Journal

Like everyone else, I saw the video of Muslim street prayers in Montreal.

Like many people, for a few seconds I had some difficulty believing it.

Was it a setup? It wasn’t one of them.

I then surprised myself by having doubted for a moment.


Because the same causes generate the same effects everywhere.

In Europe, street prayers are not new and are at the heart of the occupation of public space by Islamists.

  • Listen to the Latraverse-Bock-Côté meeting with Emmanuelle Latraverse via QUB :

The method was always the same: those who organized them claimed that there was not enough space in the mosques, and that the faithful had to go into the street. It was a lie, obviously. It was a technique for occupying public space – we could more precisely speak of colonization and Islamization of public space.

With us, the pretext is different. It is in the name of support for Gaza that these prayers are organized.

But the logic is the same: Islamism is progressing and wants to impose on the host society its both rigorous and conquering conception of Islam, which when it takes root somewhere, wants to make its law.

This is religious supremacism – and often, ethno-religious supremacism.

Obviously, the radical left looks away and will especially denounce those who are worried about this conquest. She will accuse them of racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, of moving to the extreme right. This is the usual ritual of demonization.


She will even dare, let us be assured, to compare these prayers to the Corpus Christi processions of yesteryear.


Our society will have to, sooner or later, open its eyes. Islam is not to be confused with Islamism, certainly, and Muslims are victims of it.

But Islamism is inseparable from Islam. Everywhere, it comes in its luggage. This is an indisputable effect of massive immigration.

Multiculturalism is bursting before our eyes everywhere. And yet, the ruling class persists in imposing this suicidal model on us.



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