Disneyland Paris fined 400,000 euros for “deceptive commercial practices”

Disneyland Paris fined 400,000 euros for “deceptive commercial practices”
Disneyland Paris fined 400,000 euros for “deceptive commercial practices”

With the group’s old annual passes, users had to make a “compulsory pre-reservation” to go to the parks. But “daily quotas” prevented them from coming on the desired dates.

The famous French amusement park finds itself in turmoil this Monday. A year after changing the formula of its annual passes, Disneyland Paris is pinned down by the Fraud Repression for “deceptive commercial practices”. At the end of 2022, several dozen subscribers expressed their dissatisfaction with the park following an internet page called “Yellow Ears”in reference to the Yellow Vests, then reported The Parisian.

The media 60 million consumers immediately explained that the Infinity, Magic Plus and Magic Flex passes, which theoretically allowed access to the park respectively 365, 350 and 300 days per year for prices ranging from 499 to 319 euros per year, actually contained restrictive conditions. In particular, they required “pre-reservation required for each chosen visit date”. Some users reported that it was impossible to go to the park on the desired dates.

The problem of “daily quotas”

For Fraud Repression agents, the group’s communication was “unsuitable”particularly on the “presence of quotas restricting access to Disneyland Paris parks for “annual pass” holders”. “These facts contravene the provisions of the Consumer Code relating to deceptive commercial practices,” completes the control body. For this reason, the DGCCRF has decided to impose a fine of 400,000 euros on Euro Disney Associés, which has not yet reacted to this announcement.

In July 2023, EuroDisney changed its annual subscriptions, after three months of interruption, to rethink “his offer”. THE «Magic Flex», «Magic Plus» et «Infinity» had then been replaced by the «bronze», «silver» et «gold», who made the “daily quotas”. But subscribers have once again expressed their anger, particularly over the increase in subscription prices: +26% for «bronze» which thus went from 229 euros for one year to 289 euros. THE «silver» was also increased from 319 to 499 euros while the «gold» increased to 699 euros per year compared to 499 euros for the old pass, a jump of 40%.



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