A positive outcome for the South Haut-Marne group

A positive outcome for the South Haut-Marne group
A positive outcome for the South Haut-Marne group

Monday June 10, all the leaders of all the youth teams in the Sud Haut-Marne group responded to the invitation from David Riotot, president. The latter had invited them to take stock of last season. The positive outweighs the negative for this 2023/2024 season. In fact, two teams performed extremely well, the U17s who reached R1 for the first time in the history of the group and the U13 A who won the Haute-Marne Cup and who will be able to progress to R1 or R2 during the season. next.

The football animation also proved to be very dynamic and efficient. The only downside is the U15 category which did not have the expected season with behavioral problems that urgently need to be corrected. The 2024/2025 season therefore promises to be under good auspices in view of the good will displayed by all the driving forces of this grouping. South Haut-Marne football can be more efficient through hard work and the involvement of young people and their supervisors, even if the financial burdens and administrative obligations become more complex.

The general assembly which should take place on Wednesday June 26, at 6 p.m., will finalize the organization of the 2024/2025 season. Young people aspire to remain worthy representatives of Haut-Marne football. Those present left the image of enthusiasts wishing to maintain the good level of performance of their young troops. They are waiting for the licenses to be renewed as quickly as possible and are inviting all young people in the sector wishing to try league football to come and find out about the possibilities offered by the group.

Information by contacting Lionel Blanchot, email: [email protected]



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