Three teachers from Haute-Loire distinguished in the rectorate’s short story competition

Three teachers from Haute-Loire distinguished in the rectorate’s short story competition
Three teachers from Haute-Loire distinguished in the rectorate’s short story competition

Organized by the rectorate, this literary competition is intended for all staff, active or retired from National Education, working or having worked in the academy, in the 1st or 2nd degree public or private under contract, or in the Higher Education.

This year, on the theme “Double View”, 52 short stories, from 1500 to 3000 words, written by 47 authors, reached the reading committee which selected 7 to submit them to the academic jury chaired by Hélène Legrais.

Among the 7 short stories awarded, we find those of three teachers from Haute-Loire: Evelyne Chotteau (whom we often talked about on La Commère 43), François Thealler and Magali Odin.

To read these 7 short stories follow this link

  • 1er price – Goddess : Evelyne Chotteau, literature and history teacher, Jean-Monnet high school in Puy-en-Velay
  • 2e price – The sorcerer’s heart : Olivier Polfer, literature professor, Jeanne de la Treilhe college in Aurillac
  • 3e price – Opposite : Igor Chirat, librarian professor, Germaine-Tillon high school in Thiers
  • 4e price – The manuscript : François Thealler, librarian professor, Léonard de Vinci high school in Monistrol-sur-Loire
  • 5e price – At the end of the exodus : Magali Odin, professor of literature, Roger-Ruel college in Saint-Didier-en-Velay
  • 6e price – The King’s New Friends : Claude Forestier, retired EMT professor, Charles-Baudelaire college in Clermont-Ferrand
  • 7e price – End clap : Monique Rivoli, retired literature teacher, Albert-Londres high school in Cusset


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