Pays de Retz / Vendée: 12 natural gardens to discover on June 15 and 16

Pays de Retz / Vendée: 12 natural gardens to discover on June 15 and 16
Pays de Retz / Vendée: 12 natural gardens to discover on June 15 and 16


Editorial Courrier du Pays de Retz

Published on

June 14, 2024 at 11:11 a.m.

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The “Welcome to my natural garden” operation will take place this weekend of June 15 and 16, 2024 for the twelfth edition. This action, which aims to promote alternatives to pesticides in private gardens, is led by the National Union of CPIE (Permanent Center for Environmental Initiatives).

On the territory of CPIE Logne and Grand Lieu, twelve natural gardens in Loire-Atlantique (8) and Vendée (4) will be open to the public:

– the Plessis gardens in Pornic, 1,000 m2 to immerse yourself in the history of medieval gardens

– the Pas Renaud gardens at Clion sur Mera former leisure area undergoing conversion

– the children’s garden Rezeworker’s garden

– Sandrine’s garden in Sainte-Pazanne with vegetable garden, orchard, apiary; “Our little corner of paradise at Le Mortier” La Chevrolièremultiple landscaped space over 1,800 m2

Videos: currently on Actu

– Léo’s garden Saint-Colomban150 m2 of vegetable garden and lasagna culture

– the EDAL garden in Montbert3,000 m2 where you will see a garden forest

– the garden of Axelle and Thierry known as “La salamandre” in Saint-Philbert de Grand Lieu, approximately 600 m2 of a pleasure garden

– the fairy garden Lucs sur Boulogne2,700 m2 of wooded land with a vegetable garden area

– the garden of Astûr in Apremontvegetable garden and associative orchard

– the garden of Rose-Elie in La Chapelle-Hermierornamental garden, flower meadow and collection of succulent plants

– Mother Nature’s garden in Notre-Dame de Riez with oaks, fruit trees…

Sharing gardening techniques

Visitors will be able to learn about and share about natural gardening techniques: mulching, composting, water recovery, use of auxiliary insects, etc.

The event mobilizes amateur gardeners who take an approach that respects the environment. They do not use pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

Conviviality, curiosity and passion accompany you during these two days of discovery.

Opening of the gardens on Saturday June 15 and Sunday June 16, from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., depending on the gardens. A lunch break will take place between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m., the gardens will remain open, but independently. Free entry. Dogs are welcome, kept on a leash. More information on or on 02 40 05 92 31.

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