Legislative elections 2024: the socialist Christophe Proença will be one of the two Popular Front candidates in the Lot

Legislative elections 2024: the socialist Christophe Proença will be one of the two Popular Front candidates in the Lot
Legislative elections 2024: the socialist Christophe Proença will be one of the two Popular Front candidates in the Lot

the essential
After the announcement of the candidacies of Huguette Tiegna and Aurélien Pradié, the two outgoing deputies, the Popular Front has just nominated Christophe Proença.

Last night, the Popular Front decided for the Lot. In the 2nd constituency around Figeac, it will be the socialist Christophe Proença who will be the sole candidate of the united left. “There had been discussions for several days. This decision was taken at the national level, following complicated distributions and sharing that I do not know. But all the parties agreed within this very short time to have unique candidates in each territory. The Popular Front knew how to react. We had to rush our choices at the risk of seeing the National Rally in power”, Christophe Proença told us this Friday noon.

The elected official who until then chaired the community of communes of Cauvaldor, while being mayor of Gintrac, and who also sat on the Lot departmental council, feels legitimate in this electoral campaign. “I was already a candidate in the last legislative elections of 2022 where I had a very good score, in a difficult context. People know me. I have been on the ground, in contact with them for years. I hope they having demonstrated my seriousness, my commitment and my capacity for work”, he underlines.

With her deputy, Hélène Gazal, advisor in Figeac

During this lightning campaign, Christophe Proença will carry the values ​​of the left that he “wishes to defend as best as possible”, evoking both “the foundations of this social and humanist left which have marked the history of our country and the social progress to come “. It is in the proximity, on the ground, that he will meet the voters, alongside his deputy Hélène Gazal, 48 years old, municipal councilor in Figeac (SE) and his campaign director Geoffrey Cros, 1st federal of the PS in the Lot.

Of course, if he is elected, Christophe Proença will have to leave his current executive mandates: hand over the presidency of Cauvaldor, leave his seat as mayor of Gintrac and entrust his missions on the departmental council to others. “I find this normal, maintains the Popular Front candidate. I took over the presidency of our community of communes, following the election of Raphaël Daubet to the Senate, with desire and with ambition for Cauvaldor. But, I I am not master of my destiny and the calendar. History and urgency encourage me to defend our values. I want to devote myself fully to this mandate as a deputy and it would be an honor for me to represent the people of Lot. National Assembly. However, I love my village and I want to remain a municipal council”, warns Christophe Proença.

“The solutions of the extreme right are unrealizable, it’s a smokescreen”

It is therefore tomorrow, Saturday, that he will go to the prefecture to officially submit his candidacy. At 58 years old, this father of three children and grandfather wants to represent and defend the needs and expectations of all Lotois. “I only have one goal, to do the best possible for everyone.”

So, he warns: “We must manage to block the path of the National Rally, it would be a catastrophe for the country if they were elected. The solutions of the extreme right will not resolve the current difficulties. Their proposals are unachievable, it’s a smokescreen.”



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