Improvise yourself as an Olympic specialist, a seasonal sport

Improvise yourself as an Olympic specialist, a seasonal sport
Improvise yourself as an Olympic specialist, a seasonal sport

Jean-Loup Chappelet

University of Lausanne, IDHEAP

Published on June 23, 2024 at 7:24 p.m. / Modified on June 23, 2024 at 7:24 p.m.

As Paris 2024 approaches, we can no longer count the works in French devoted to the Olympic Games, their renovator or the geopolitics of sport*. Many booksellers are devoting a section to the phenomenon these months. Many authors opportunely position themselves as specialists in the Olympic question. Most of these current experts are rather dependent. So do the Olympics still sell? Or, in any case, debate and discuss? And what does this say about the academic and media spheres?

This proliferation of works is also accompanied by special editions (for example of the magazine Point), radio or TV broadcasts (notably by Stéphane Bern) and all-round conferences (including at the Collège de France). French museums are not left out. The Louvre itself has mounted an exhibition soberly titled Olympism which reveals the important role played by a Vaudois in the design of the first modern Games in Athens in 1896: Louis Emile Emmanuel Gilliéron (1850-1924). Numerous exhibitions on Olympic and sporting themes are also organized this summer in Paris by the Luxembourg Museum, the Shoah Memorial, the Paul Eluard Museum, the Marmottan Monet Museum, the Mac, the Petit-Palais, the Saint-Denis basilica , the Eiffel Tower, Bercy Village, the Palace of Versailles, etc. Also in the provinces in Menton, Nice, Bordeaux, Rouen, etc.

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