“Not made of chocolate”: celebrations on the Plains of Abraham maintained despite the rain

“Not made of chocolate”: celebrations on the Plains of Abraham maintained despite the rain
“Not made of chocolate”: celebrations on the Plains of Abraham maintained despite the rain

It is not the rain that will impress the organizers of the National Day show in Quebec: the big musical gathering is being maintained, only the dress rehearsal and the first part of Zébulon are canceled for the moment.

• Read also: National Day celebrations canceled due to weather

Spectators will therefore be able to gather on the Plains of Abraham for 9 p.m. to attend musical performances by Mara Tremblay, Paul Daraîche, Ariane Roy and Les Louanges, in particular.

“We would have liked to hear them [Zébulon]but for security reasons we had to cancel,” explains the president of the Mouvement national des Québécoises et des Québécois, Frédéric Lapointe, who is organizing the event.

The dress rehearsal at the beginning of the afternoon, often observed by many curious people, is also canceled for security reasons.

However, “well equipped and with a lot of resilience and a lot of courage”, the revelers “will be able to meet up” on the Plains, assures Mr. Lapointe.

On its Facebook page, the event confirms that umbrellas will exceptionally be allowed on the site.

“It’s not the weather that’s going to stop us from celebrating this evening, because we, Quebecers, are not made of chocolate!”, say the organizers.

For the moment, technical equipment is protected by plastic sheeting. We are counting on a lull in precipitation at the end of the evening to give free rein to music and patriotic speeches.



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