Which parties could combine to form a federal majority? Here is a possible scenario

Which parties could combine to form a federal majority? Here is a possible scenario
Which parties could combine to form a federal majority? Here is a possible scenario

The electoral results generally mark a victory for the right-wing parties in the north and south of the country. The MR became the leading political party on the French-speaking side while in Flanders, the N-VA remained in the lead. Even if Vlaams Belang is making progress, the expected far-right tidal wave has not taken place.

Bart De Wever, undisputed champion of votes in Flanders, in hand. Will he rule the country? According to Pascal Delwit, Belgian political scientist, he of course has control at the Flemish level. He will begin negotiations for the Flemish regional and community majority. On the other hand, at the country level, it is primarily French-speaking parties and Dutch-speaking parties. We do not decide who forms the government, it is a prerogative of the King.

The King will hold consultations in the coming days, and then he will appoint a person, initially, probably one of information. It could be Bart De Wever, but it could also be the other winner of the elections, Georges-Louis Bouchez.

What is the most logical coalition at the federal level? In purely mathematical logic, in relation to the Flemish and Walloon regions, it is a coalition which would associate the N-VA, the CD&V, Les Engagés, Vooruit and the MR, and which could operate at the Walloon regional level and at the Flemish regional level. But this coalition requires that Vooruit distances itself from the PS and that the MR accepts that the Open VLD is not in the coalition either.

The PS undergoing total opposition treatment everywhere is a perfectly plausible scenario, with the exception of the Brussels-Capital region, where it is difficult to see how the PS could be freed from the regional majority.

elections 2024 politics



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