Companies alongside Lot firefighters – Medialot

Focus on 3 employer-partners.

Several agreements have been signed in recent weeks between Lot firefighters and companies.

The first took place on April 3 for the benefit of chief sergeant Anthony Brochado, assigned to the Puy-l’Evêque fire and rescue center (CIS) and employed at the Capfun campsite in Duravel. It took place in the presence of its director, Mathieu Girault, Captain Dorian Munoz, head of the Territorial Fire and Rescue Unit of Cahors, and Commander Jean-Philippe Oberdorff, head of the CIS of Puy-l’ Bishop.

The second took place on May 15 for the benefit of master corporal Deborah Feyer, also assigned to the CIS Puy l’Evêque and employee of the Milhau company based in Prayssac in the presence of the same representatives of the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service.

Finally, the third took place on May 23 for Sapeurs Olivier Boudou and Dorian Lalo, both assigned to the CIS of Bagnac-sur-Célé and employees of the Matière company. Company represented by Jan Gombert, director of Matière SA, and by Héloïse Lefrancois, human resources assistant and in the presence of Commander Céline Duval, head of the Figeac Territorial Fire and Rescue Unit and Lieutenant Cédric Calmels, head of the Center Fire and Rescue Department of Bagnac-sur-Célé.

The Lot firefighters would like to thank all these employer-partners who are working to improve the operational response during the week by authorizing their employees to leave their post to provide assistance and by allowing them to benefit from firefighter training days to maintain or acquire skills.

Photos The Lot firefighters



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