Ambush via the Coco website: a man beaten up in Gironde

Ambush via the Coco website: a man beaten up in Gironde
Ambush via the Coco website: a man beaten up in Gironde


Lilou Boulanger

Published on

June 4, 2024 at 8:02 a.m.
; updated June 4, 2024 at 9:37 a.m.

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In South Gironde, five individuals were beaten a man trapped on the dating site Coco in March.

The five adults, prosecuted for aggravated violence, are sentenced to prison terms of 8 to 14 months with simple or probationary suspension depending on their degree of involvement.

5 individuals pretend to be a 15-year-old girl

The events took place on the night of March 19. Five individuals pose as a 15-year-old girl on the Coco site in order to trap an adult who has accepted the meeting.

A 31 year old man takes the bait and arranges to meet in Bègles (Gironde) to what he thinks is a 15-year-old girl.

Arrived on the scene, he is the victim of an ambush. His conquest is actually a man and he did not come alone.

Multiple bruises and fractures to the nose

There are 5 of them and they beat him up. The victim received blows to the face which left him with multiple bruises and fractures to his nose. He se will be prescribed 15 days of ITT.

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The investigation, entrusted to the community of gendarmerie brigades of Podensac, revealed that a first individual resides in Cérons and is suspected of having participated in the facts.

Subsequently, four other individuals were identified, placed in police custody in turn and tried in immediate appearance.

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