13 infants died in 2024, “the most fragile population” according to Public Health France

13 infants died in 2024, “the most fragile population” according to Public Health France
13 infants died in 2024, “the most fragile population” according to Public Health France

Since the beginning of 2024, 17 people, including 13 infants, have died according to Santé Publique France, which published its figures on Friday. Infants aged one to two months are the most vulnerable population.

17 people have died and 80 hospitalized due to whooping cough since the start of 2024. The latest figures from Public Health France (SPF), published on Friday, worry health professionals. Thirteen of the children victims of this infection were infants aged one to two months, another child was aged 4 years. Three adults were over 85 years old.

Whooping cough is a respiratory infection caused by bacteria. It has experienced a strong resurgence since 2024, even more virulent. The disease is transmitted very easily by air, through contact with a sick person who is coughing, mainly within the family or in communities.

Very young children are the most vulnerable

A worrying outbreak that mainly affects very young children. Infants are often more affected by severe forms of whooping cough.

“Before six months, children are not completely protected and especially before two months, they are not vaccinated. So that is why they are really the most fragile population,” explains Isabelle Parent du Chatelet, head of the respiratory infection unit at SPF.

The disease progresses in cycles. Every 3 to 5 years it resurfaces. The last wave of 2018 was slowed down by the barrier gestures put in place during the covid pandemic. To prevent the epidemic from spreading, it is recommended to wear a mask and wash your hands.

But Isabelle Parent du Chatelet also insists on prevention: “The recommendation of vaccination of pregnant women is important because when future mothers are vaccinated, this vaccination allows the transmission of antibodies which will protect the baby from birth.” Those close to babies are also strongly encouraged to be vaccinated if the last booster was more than 5 years ago.

Léonie Guilbaut (with TRC)

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