The Star Academy concerts in Pau and Bordeaux will not be rescheduled

The Star Academy concerts in Pau and Bordeaux will not be rescheduled
The Star Academy concerts in Pau and Bordeaux will not be rescheduled

“We regret to inform you that the dates of the Star Academy Tour 2024, initially scheduled for June 21 in Narbonne, June 22 in Pau (3 p.m. and 8 p.m.) and June 23 in Bordeaux are definitively canceled, despite all the efforts made to find postponement solutions. We share your disappointment with the entire team,” writes the production.

Refunds of places

For the record, the Pau and Bordeaux concerts were cancelled last week “for medical reasons”, several Star Academy artists, including Pierre Garnier and Lénie, being ill.

The tour is scheduled to end on July 7 in Brussels, Belgium, home of Helena Bailly, who has just released two new solo tracks.

The organizers specify that “for ticket reimbursement arrangements, you must contact your point of sale”. Concerning ticket purchases from the Zénith de Pau, “the refund is automatic, it will be made within a few days”, specifies the Pau concert hall, on its Instagram account.

Julien Lieb in Pau

When this definitive cancellation was announced, some fans said they were sorry for the local of the adventure, the Palois Julien Lieb. “Frankly what a shame, Julien is the only one who was not entitled to his concert in Pau”, we could read in the comments.

Le Palois will still be able to meet his audience this summer in Béarn, since he is included in the summer program in Pau.



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