this airport completely overwhelmed, here’s why – La Nouvelle Tribune

this airport completely overwhelmed, here’s why – La Nouvelle Tribune
this airport completely overwhelmed, here’s why – La Nouvelle Tribune

With the arrival of good weather, the summer period marks the return of major tourist migrations to popular destinations. This is particularly the case of Marrakechwhere the international airport Marrakech-Menara finds himself at the heart of a complex situation. Since the start of summer, this airport has experienced record influx, exacerbated by the simultaneous arrival of international tourists, Moroccans living abroad, as well as local visitors. This convergence creates a real logistical challenge for current infrastructures.

The congestion of Marrakech-Menara is not an isolated phenomenon, but the symptom of a reception capacity which is struggling to keep up with the sustained pace of tourist demand. In July and August, the peak period for tourist activity, the airport sees thousands of visitors, putting a strain on the facilities. Airport officials, in collaboration with local authorities, are increasing efforts to optimize passenger flow and guarantee the fluidity of operations. This includes temporary improvements and emergency measures to compensate for the structural inadequacies of the airport.

Beyond immediate responses, long-term projects are also on the table. Farid Chourak, Wali of the region Marrakech-Safi and Governor of the Prefecture of Marrakech, recently confirmed the imminent launch of ambitious works, including the construction of a new airport for low-cost flights. Located about 30 kilometers from the city, this project aims to relieve congestion at the main airport by redistributing part of the air traffic. In addition, it is planned to expand the existing terminal and platforms, in order to increase the capacity to accommodate aircraft and passengers during the high season.

These initiatives are crucial for the tourism future of Marrakech and its region. They will not only improve the traveler experience, but also support local economic development by strengthening the attractiveness of the destination. However, the implementation of these projects will need to be closely monitored, as it involves many challenges, both logistically and financially. The success of these transformations will largely depend on the ability of the different actors involved to collaborate effectively and meet deadlines to prevent peak periods from turning into critical bottlenecks.



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