Legal addressing sows discord between neighbors on the border of Dordogne and Lot-et-Garonne

Legal addressing sows discord between neighbors on the border of Dordogne and Lot-et-Garonne
Legal addressing sows discord between neighbors on the border of Dordogne and Lot-et-Garonne

The decree of August 11, 2022 requires municipalities with less than 2,000 inhabitants to complete their legal addressing on June 1, 2024. Which means that each house must have an address consisting of a street name and a number. The objective: to make these addresses easier to find for the postman, firefighters, gas workers or even the fiber optic installer, in particular.

But these changes are not without some hiccups. This is the case for the La Tuque wine estate, located in the town of Biron, but whose entrance to the access road is… in Lacapelle-Biron, in Lot-et-Garonne. For the sake of simplification, the Municipal Council of Biron had decided to open (or reopen, there is debate) another path, shorter and leading to the village in order to address the estate there.

The new path would have followed the telephone line which is in place, for which there already exists an easement and which must accommodate fiber. In anticipation of this equipment and undoubtedly anticipating the work on the new road, the municipality of Biron opened, in mid-May, a trench through the forest with heavy blows from a crusher. This was without taking into account the owner of the forest in question, for whom it was a categorical “no”.

“I don’t want that to change”

“There is already a path, which passes through my land and goes to the estate, and which has an easement,” indicates the owner, Marcel Salzenstein, horrified by the scarifications left by the clearing of his corner of paradise. “Here, there has never been a path,” he continues. Just an easement for the telephone line. And I don’t want that to change. »

“If the owner does not agree, we will give up the path, that’s all”

Questioned by “Sud Ouest”, the winemaker assures that he did not initiate the project. As for the mayor of Biron, Bruno Desmaison, he can only take note: “If the owner does not agree, we will abandon the path, that’s all,” regrets the councilor.

In the meantime, the wine estate has kept its address at a place called La Tuque, 24540 Biron. Everyone finds it without difficulty… even if you have to enter via Lot-et-Garonne.



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