Senegal: a new boss at the head of the territorial gendarmerie (photo)

In Senegal, the Territorial Gendarmerie has a new boss. This is Brigadier General Assane Beye who will now occupy this position within the high command of the national gendarmerie.

Brigadier General Assane Beye appointed head of the territorial gendarmerie in Senegal

Recently elevated to the rank of brigadier general, Colonel Assane Beye is the new boss of the territorial gendarmerie in Senegal. The latter thus succeeds General Daouda Diop in this position.

This is therefore a new appointment which will allow continuity and effective management in operations. And the brand new boss of the Senegal territorial brigade will be able to count on his predecessors for the best management of these new functions. Anything that will allow the national gendarmerie to evolve in these numerous missions.

As a reminder, the territorial gendarmerie of Senegal is made up of seven (07) legions (West in Dakar, Center-West in Thiès, North in Saint-Louis, Center in Kaolack, East in Tambacounda, South-East in Kolda and South in Ziguinchor ), 20 companies (including an air transport company and a maritime company) and 102 brigades and posts. Brigadier General Assane Beye will now be responsible for coordinating activities within these different components.




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