SENEGAL-EDUCATION-INFRASTRUCTURES / Louga: Sagatta Djoloff inaugurates his new toddler center – Senegalese Press Agency

SENEGAL-EDUCATION-INFRASTRUCTURES / Louga: Sagatta Djoloff inaugurates his new toddler center – Senegalese Press Agency
SENEGAL-EDUCATION-INFRASTRUCTURES / Louga: Sagatta Djoloff inaugurates his new toddler center – Senegalese Press Agency

Louga, July 1 (APS) – The commune of Sagatta Djoloff, in the Louga region (north-west) inaugurated on Monday its new children’s home, an infrastructure built with the support of emigrants based in Zaragoza, Spain.

“This jewel responds to a pressing demand and will contribute greatly to the education of our children, but it also marks a significant step in improving access to education for young children in this rural locality,” said Pape Ndiaye, president of the association of Louga residents residing in Zaragoza.

The infrastructure includes two classrooms, an administrative office, as well as modern sanitary facilities. Its total cost is estimated at 13 million 800 thousand CFA francs, he told journalists on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony.

Bocar Coulibaly, sub-prefect of the Sagatta Djoloff district, welcomed this initiative which, he said, is in line with “the educational aspirations of Senegal”.

He called for “continued support from local authorities to ensure the safety and maintenance of this valuable infrastructure.”

The mayor of Sagatta Djoloff, Coumba Diaw, for her part noted “the direct involvement of the municipality in the realization of this project”.

“This school is the result of an exemplary partnership. Now it is up to us, as a community, to ensure its maintenance and sustainability,” she added.

Cheikh Lo, the representative of the inspector of education and training (IEF) of the department of Linguère, on which Sagatta Djoloff depends, expressed “satisfaction”, before calling for the extension to secondary schools of the school canteen model in place in primary schools in this area, with a view to combating school dropout in the region.

Representatives of the administration, education sector officials as well as local political, customary and religious figures took part in the inauguration of the new Sagatta Djoloff toddler center, a ceremony marking a “new stage in the educational and social development of the region,” according to the IEF representative.




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