Solidarity Quebec, self-proclaimed arbiter of moral elegance

Solidarity Quebec, self-proclaimed arbiter of moral elegance
Solidarity Quebec, self-proclaimed arbiter of moral elegance

After having proclaimed itself a “government party” in recent weeks, Québec solidaire is demanding a new title: that of self-proclaimed guardian of moral elegance.

The story is as follows: the Parti Québécois presented a motion to the National Assembly this week to remind us that lowering immigration thresholds cannot be presented as a form of intolerance.


This should go without saying, especially when we see the negative consequences of mass immigration everywhere.

But this did not go without saying for QS, who refused to support the motion.


Because QS wanted to add the term “reasonable” to the idea of ​​a lowering of thresholds which would not be intolerant.

In other words, QS claimed the right to act as a judge of morality, distinguishing what is reasonable and what is not.

The PQ refused.

It was Pascal Bérubé, the PQ MP for Matane, who revealed this exchange on Twitter.

Let’s not be surprised: controlling language is the way the radical left has long found to exercise power.

It is in the minority electorally, but in the majority in the media.

It has the power to distinguish the acceptable from the unapproachable, the moderate from the radical, the humanist from the polemicist, the tolerant from the intolerant, the reasonable from the unreasonable.

Concretely, it decides the limits of the thinkable within which the other political actors must move.

It is literally a clerical power that it exercises thanks to its control of the university and the federal radio and television.

This power must fall. Especially since the political-intellectual history of the radical left is disastrous.


It sowed tyranny and poverty.

Its heirs, whether they openly claim to be so or not, are specialists in intellectual terrorism.

You have to know how to resist her, even if in return she will be insulting. This is the price to pay for freedom.



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