Farewell message from Deputy Minister Bill Matthews

Farewell message from Deputy Minister Bill Matthews
Farewell message from Deputy Minister Bill Matthews

May 31, 2024 – Defense News

Today is the end of my mandate as Deputy Minister of National Defense. I am leaving this position to become Secretary of the Treasury Board. The two and a half years I spent here as Deputy Minister were a highlight of my career, and it was both an honor and a privilege to serve in this role.

I consider myself extremely privileged to have had the opportunity to work for a second time at National Defense. The past few years have been filled with challenges and threats, both within and outside of Canada, and while these challenges will continue, I am more confident than ever in the capability of the Defense Team to face it. I have had the opportunity to witness your determination, dedication and creativity every day, and I will continue to be inspired by it.

As I conclude my final day with the Defense Team, I am confident that you will continue to advance the important work we have begun and the goals we strive to achieve with unparalleled professionalism and dedication.

I would like to thank Ministers Blair and Anand for their leadership, as well as all members of the Defense Team across the country for their unwavering commitment to defending Canada, at home and abroad.

I especially thank General Eyre. I was absolutely delighted to work with you. I know that over the coming months, more changes are expected within management, but I have seen first-hand the depth and strength of this organization, and I know that it will be in good hands.

Your new Deputy Minister, Stefanie Beck, has extensive experience and a good understanding of this organization. I am confident that, under his leadership, the Department of National Defense is in good hands.

Thank you to all of you.

Bill Matthews
Deputy Minister of National Defense




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