Shortest street, tallest building… 6 unusual facts about the capital

Shortest street, tallest building… 6 unusual facts about the capital
Shortest street, tallest building… 6 unusual facts about the capital

The longest street

We start with the most famous information on this list, and This is rue de Vaugirard. On horseback between the 6th and the 15th (also called Luxembourg and Vaugirard, precisely), the street extends from the Porte de Versailles to the Pantheonroughly speaking, and measure more than 4 km long. 4360 m, to be precise. And yes, some of you are already ready to protest” gnagnagna, avenue Daumesnil, it measures 6,270 mit’s longer gnagnagna “. But as you said so well yourself, it is an avenue and not a street. N / A. Rue de Vaugirard is therefore the perfect place if you suddenly need walk in a straight line for a long time. A completely sensible impulse, which could take any of us. And if, conversely, you are looking for the shortest streetfor whatever reason it is rue des Degrés, in the 2ndwith its small 5.75 m long.

The tallest building

Same thing here, we prefer to warn you straight away, we are talking about a residential building, the towers (Eiffel or Montparnasse, your choice), that doesn’t count! And if you don’t like it, you might as well tell yourself that it doesn’t change much on our side. So let’s get back to business, the tallest building in Paris is, drum roll, the Prélude Tower, located in the 19th, at the level of the Ourcq canal. A immense structure of more than 150 social housing unitswhich has 38 floors and culminates at 123 m in height, just that ! Well, afterwards, to be completely honest, if we do a global study of all the buildings in Paris, she is only 5thbut hey, we find that it’s still something.


The biggest place

We’ll give you a little hint, it’s a place perpetually under constructionwhich has not finished making people talk about it, particularly while the Olympics are getting closer and closer. So, do you have it? Yes, congratulations, it’s about Place de la Concorde. Another particularity of this place, except that it is undoubtedly one of the most congested places in the capitalshe accomodates the oldest monument in Paris, even older than the city itself. It is of course the Obelisk, imported directly from Egypt during a completely crazy journey. With its 8.64 hectaresshe places herself in front of the place of l’Etoile (45,500 m²) and that of the Republic (34,000).

The narrowest sidewalk

Okay, we’ll give you that, this information is really, but then really unusual. But we said to ourselves that that was precisely what made it so charming, and that just for that, she deserved her place in this top. And it is about rue d’Orchampt, in the 18th. A street made famous by different artists, such as Cedric Klapischwhich mentions the street in The Spanish inn, Marcel Aymewhich makes it the place of residence of his character of the wall pass in the eponymous novel, Renoirwho made famous the Moulin de la Galette located at one of its ends, or Dalida, who lives at the other. In short, a street that is not very wide, but which nonetheless has many, many things to tell on the history of Paris.


The narrowest building

At Le Bonbon, although we are not narrow-minded, we still have a little fascination with everything that is not broad. This is why, after the narrowest sidewalk, we take you to discover the narrowest building of the capital. And one thing is certain, if you plan to move there with thehuge Breton buffet of your beloved grandmother, it’s dead. To take a look at this architectural curiosity, you have to go to the 7th, at the level of 13, quai Voltaireto discover a building 2.50 m wideor the size of its door. The smallest houseshe is in the 10that 39, rue du Château-d’Eau, and measures 1.10 meters wide by 5 meters high. Better not to be claustrophobic.

The steepest street

Dear cycling friendsthis information is for you, it is about rue de Paname to avoid at all costs, under penalty of leaving your skin there. If, on the contrary, you are in the process of gaining weight, and this is the leg day, so in this case, meet in the 20th, a stone’s throw from Père-Lachaise. There you can enjoy rue Gasnier-Guyand its slope at 17.4%. Fortunately, if you are, one day, forced to pedal it back upknow that your ordeal will be short-lived, sinceshe is only 106 m tall long, less than a fortieth of the rue de Vaugirard mentioned above in this top. Some, however, assert that the steepest street is rue Foyatier in the 18thand its pretty 36%. But as it is composed of 99.9% stairs, we decided to elect him steepest staircase of Paris, and not street. An editorial choice that we assume 100%.




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