a man sentenced for filming the bodies of road accident victims

The scene should not have ended up on social media. A 24-year-old man was sentenced this Monday, June 24, to six months in prison by the Libourne court, reports Sud Ouest. Le Girondin was found guilty of having filmed and broadcast images of the bodies of the victims killed during the road accident which claimed the lives of four young men on the night of June 1 to 2.

“We are not here to judge the person responsible for the accident but the one who made the families’ pain last,” said the lawyer for one of the civil parties, relayed by our colleagues. The Libourne man had shot images on the Snapchat application before broadcasting them.

“Attack on human dignity”

Facts that he repeatedly denied in court, despite his proven presence at the scene of the accident according to the conclusions of the investigation. The police officers also present described the young man as a person who “wandered among the bodies and who had to be asked several times to leave”.

The 24-year-old man was taken into police custody a few days after the accident. His sentence for “disseminating a message likely to be seen or perceived by a minor of a violent nature or likely to seriously harm human dignity” was modified to include wearing an electronic bracelet.

Original article published on BFMTV.com



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