Stan network in Nancy: a fire breaks out in the Keolis bus depot

Stan network in Nancy: a fire breaks out in the Keolis bus depot
Stan network in Nancy: a fire breaks out in the Keolis bus depot


Paul-Emile Bouchy

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 4:28 p.m.

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Wednesday June 26, 2024, shortly before noon, an impressive fire broke out within the Keolis bus depot in Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), where the Stan network vehicles are parked.

Quickly brought under control by firefighters, the fire did not no injuries.

No injuries or buses damaged in the fire

According to the Meurthe-et-Moselle departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS 54), “the fire broke out declared on the roof terrace of a building under construction » located on the depot site, rue Marcel-Brot.

On site, seven firefighters from the new Nancy-Rives de Meurthe barracks managed to quickly contain the fire which did not no casualties or damage to vehicles.

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Contacted by Lorraine NewsKeolis indicates that this slightly delayed the buses which were to leave the depot “but that everything is back to normal”.

An investigation is underway to determine the origin of the fire, which remains unknown at this time.

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