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Should the royal family be worried? Since her accident, Princess Anne has faced some rather confusing after-effects

Should the royal family be worried? Since her accident, Princess Anne has faced some rather confusing after-effects
Should the royal family be worried? Since her accident, Princess Anne has faced some rather confusing after-effects

The dark streak for the royal family is clearly not about to end. If in recent days, a wind of improvement seemed to be blowing over the British monarchy with the great return of Kate Middleton to Trooping the Color, the start of the week was very complicated to manage and left room for the unexpected. Indeed, Princess Anne, 73 years old, was victim of an accident this Sunday, June 23. According to the first elements communicated by the British press, the sister of King Charles was hit on the head by the legs or the head of a horse.

As a precautionary measure and suffering from head injuriesPrincess Anne was hospitalized in a Bristol establishment (Southmead Hospital) in order to closely monitor her state of health and investigate the cause of the concussion she suffered. If the health of the crowned head is not more worrying than that, the doctors preferred to keep her close to them in order to monitor the evolution of the situation and anticipate the slightest deterioration.

During the day of June 25, her husband, Sir Timothy Laurence, himself injured in the face in March, gave news of his wife to whom he went in the last hours. “We are both deeply touched by all the kind messages we have received from so many people near and far” he said before indicating that Princess Anne was doing well. However, if the injuries are a priori not very serious, the sister of King Charles suffers the consequences

Memory loss hits Princess Anne

As British media reported, Princess Anne does not remember the accident at all and would be unable to describe how it happened. But this oversight is not the only one: as specified in Telegraph, Princess Anne would be affected by temporary memory loss which are, however, nothing alarming since they would be directly linked to the shock created by the collision with the animal. Kept under observation, Princess Anna should soon be able to return home. Let’s hope that by then, examinations do not reveal an unsuspected diagnosis…



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