The SNCF launches a shock campaign in stations to raise awareness of violence against its agents

The SNCF launches a shock campaign in stations to raise awareness of violence against its agents
The SNCF launches a shock campaign in stations to raise awareness of violence against its agents
PHILIPPE HUGUEN / AFP A controller boarding an SNCF regional express train (TER) (photo illustration).


A controller boarding an SNCF regional express train (TER) (photo illustration).

TRANSPORT – Insults displayed on light screens, almost everywhere in the stations. Since Monday, June 24, SNCF customers have come across the following sentences on their way to catch their train: “Your job is bullshit”, “Fuck off.” »or “Don’t bother me, b******”. Despite the asterisks, the violence of these remarks can be easily guessed.

This is not a cyberattack on SNCF advertising screens but rather the new campaign deployed by the railway company to make transport users aware of the insults its agents receive on a daily basis. These sentences are in fact taken from real situations.

SNCF The new SNCF campaign, displayed in stations since Monday June 24.


The new SNCF campaign, displayed in stations since Monday June 24.

Alongside these verbal attacks, the SNCF adds the slogan: “Do you find it violent? U.S. too “, as you can see above. In 2023, the company recorded an average of 16 verbal or physical attacks targeting agents per day. In total, 6,000 acts of violence were recorded in one year. They gave rise to 430 work stoppages, an increase of 8% in one year.

Up to 6 months in prison and 7,500 euros fine

If delays, last minute announcements and train cancellations due to the weather can easily annoy travelers, SNCF safety director Patrick Auvrèle reminds - what “There is no justification for violently attacking an agent who is only doing his job.”

Moreover, such slippages are punishable by law. Indeed, as these new SNCF posters remind us, the transport code stipulates that contempt against an agent can be punished by a penalty of up to 6 months in prison and 7,500 euros. fine.

Cameras to protect officers

Beyond this shocking campaign, designed to challenge travelers, the SNCF will also gradually equip its agents with pedestrian cameras to limit attacks: 3,000 are already in circulation, this figure should rise to 5,500 by the end of the year. “Triggering a recording calms the vast majority of situations”indicates the SNCF.

But in the eyes of the unions, this is not enough. “There is a problem with human presence in stations and on trains”estimates Julien Troccaz, federal secretary of SUD-Rail in the columns of Parisian. “Behind prevention campaigns, we must put human resources”he insists, emphasizing that incivility is also born “malfunctions of the rail system and incomprehensible pricing policy” of the company.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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