Landing. Preview of Apocalypse in Carentan: “I am impressed by the quality of the images”

Landing. Preview of Apocalypse in Carentan: “I am impressed by the quality of the images”
Landing. Preview of Apocalypse in Carentan: “I am impressed by the quality of the images”


Juliette Voisin

Published on

May 27, 2024 at 8:44 a.m.

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The director of the series Apocalypse Isabelle Clarke does not hide her emotion. The public applauds the two new episodes dedicated to the Landing, which have just been broadcast for the first time in the theater of Carentan-les-Marais (Manche).

After working hoursimages harvestedarchives colorizedand a few days before the 80th anniversary of D-Day, spectators were able to discover the Landing in a new way.

“Very gripping storytelling”

At the end of the screening, Godefroy Beausirethe director of the Normandy Victory Museum, finds the same interest in the series as when he was a teenager.

I discovered part of the story through Apocalypse. These new episodes are in line with the others: they manage to reach as many people as possible via very gripping storytelling but which always respects the story.

Godefroy Beaussire, director of the Normandy Victory Museum

After the two 50-minute runs, Danielle Perramant, resident of Montmartin-en-Graignes, is delighted to see a program she likes on the big screen: “ I am impressed by the quality of the images and the colorization. With my husband, we are very interested in what is attractive about the Landing and yet, I learned a lot of things like the attempted landing on Dieppe. »

The preview, organized by La Presse de la Manche, took place on Sunday May 26, 2024 at the Carentan-les-Marais theater (Manche) in the presence of Isabelle Clarke, the director. ©Juliette VOISIN

The mayor of Carentan-les-Marais (Manche), Jean-Pierre Lhonneur, salutes the work “phenomenal”:

It’s something exceptional. I discover colorized images which give a totally different aspect to the archives. Bravo to the directors. It goes beyond the framework of all the films we have seen. I am very happy to have found images of Monsieur Lecanu between Carentan and Saint-Hilaire, the Place du Valnoble… Very happy also to learn more about the Landing in Provence which we know much less about and which involved many French troops.

Jean-Pierre Lhonor, mayor of Carentan-les-Marais (Manche)

“We remember things differently”

Monia and her son Clément, 23, also know this part of the history of the Second World War well. Mosellans have come every year since 2012 for commemorations and to places of memory. “Visually, we remember things differently. This time, I remember well the history of the code names of the beaches for example », underlines Monia.

Even without subtitles, the American soldier James Dawson,arrived two days earlier for the commemorations with his colleagues, loved it: “I saw things that we don’t see in theUNITED STATES. We are used to seeing images of paratroopers and beach landings. I really liked the film because it relates very well from the planning phase to the liberation, from the civilians’ point of view. It’s interesting to see this story of another perspective. »

Videos: currently on -

For the translation, James Dawsoncan’t wait to watch the DVDoffered to all spectators, and thus discover the narration ofMathieu Kassovitz.

The two new episodes of the documentary series Apocalypse will be broadcast on Wednesday June 5, 2024 on France 2 at 9:10 p.m.

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