The Quebec Music Festival unveils its 2024 program!

The Quebec Music Festival unveils its 2024 program!
The Quebec Music Festival unveils its 2024 program!

Saint Jean BaptistThe Music Festival is an international event, which has taken place all over the world on June 21, the date of the summer solstice, for several decades now. As Quebec thinks big and likes to do its own thing, the Quebec Music Festival instead takes place over three weekend days, June 14, 15 and 16. The crossroad went to their programming unveiling, at Fou Bar, on May 22.

By Florence Bordeleau

An eclectic musical program

DVTR and Adieu Narcisse, which local music lovers already know well, are positioning themselves as headliners at the Fête de la Musique de Québec (FMQ). We also find alternative rock projects like Anderson’s Missing Bell, hip-hop like dope.gng, RnB like Clara Dahlie, and around forty others. Although approximately 90% of the groups come from Quebec City, a few artists from elsewhere will also be there, such as STAIRS. The days of festivities are structured according to the musical genre of the proposals.

Three stages will vibrate to the sound of these emerging voices: the Parvis du Noctem, the Olympia passage and the CHYZ stage. All shows are free. “We won’t tell lies,” said general director Cindy Caron, “it’s very difficult in Quebec to organize free cultural events. I am therefore very proud to present these 45 shows accessible to all. » The Music Festival thus contributes, in this sense, to democratizing culture and art in our city.

Quebec is overflowing with musical projects

The FMQ operates through calls for projects, that is to say that the city’s artists are invited to approach the organizing committee to try to sell them their musical project. Cindy Caron pointed out that for the 40 places available this year, the FMQ received more than a hundred registrations. The choices were “heartbreaking and difficult”, and the 40 proposals selected therefore represent the “cream” of Quebec’s artistic ferment.

If some musicians will make their debut during this 17e edition of the FMQ, others are on their third visit, as is the case of Mona B, who also gave a short performance of two songs to set the tone for the festivities to come. Érika Hagen closed this unveiling of the program by playing three pieces in a solo version.

Mona B performing at Fou Bar. (Photo: Florence Bordeleau)

Cindy Caron signs her last year at the head of the FMQ

She first sowed clues, she tried to refrain from saying it, but she did not succeed: Cindy Caron officially declared that she would pass the torch next year to Kim Létourneau, currently in communications and deputy director of the festival. Kim Létourneau also works for CHYZ 94.3 and manages several emerging artists from Quebec. This change in direction will undoubtedly bring its share of new things to the FMQ.

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