1667 conflicts in Senegal in 2023 (Senego TV)

1667 conflicts in Senegal in 2023 (Senego TV)
1667 conflicts in Senegal in 2023 (Senego TV)

The Association of Labor and Social Security Inspectors and Controllers (AICTSS) is organizing, on May 23 and 24, the World of Work Days (JMT) 2024, after those held in 2022. And first observation, 1,667 complaints filed in level of all labor inspections in Senegal and 901 total conciliations obtained, 39 partial conciliations and 727 non-conciliations. This meeting will attempt to find suitable solutions for the world of work.

The meeting brings together labor inspectors and controllers, policy makers, social partners, academics, human resources managers, lawyers, researchers, students, among others. It thus constitutes an exceptional crucible for dialogue of expertise around major issues concerning work, employment, social protection and, in general, professional relations.

This present edition will focus on the general theme: “Senegalese social legislation facing new challenges and changes in the world of work“.

Among other things, 1,667 complaints were filed at the level of all labor inspections in Senegal and 901 total conciliations obtained, 39 partial conciliations and 727 non-conciliations. This meeting will attempt to find suitable solutions for the world of work.

Ndiaga Ndiaye, president of the Association of Labor and Social Security Inspectors and Controllers (AICTSS), highlights the current challenges in terms of work and professional relations. It identifies two main types of conflicts: those between workers and their employers, which are frequent, and those between collectors and employers. It also highlights the importance of conflict prevention through monitoring and inspection.

Inspector Ndiaye highlights the need for an update of the labor code, which dates from 1997, in order to take into account recent developments in the world of work, in particular the impact of the Internet on work tools and professional practices

Ultimately, these days take place in a context of change in the political regime in Senegal with high expectations from the population, particularly on challenges such as employment, the cost of living and social insecurity. This year, this association decided to organize panels around three cross-cutting issues:

  • Public employment policies: what role and place for social legislation and labor administration?
  • The supervision of new forms of work by social legislation
  • The issues and challenges of social protection in Senegal: its extension, organization and financing.

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