Passing of arms and cacophony: what to learn from the debate between Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella and Manuel Bompard?

Passing of arms and cacophony: what to learn from the debate between Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella and Manuel Bompard?
Passing of arms and cacophony: what to learn from the debate between Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella and Manuel Bompard?


Chloe Berry

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 10:52 p.m.

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It was THE big meeting before next Sunday’s vote. For almost 2 hours, representatives of the three blocsnamely Jordan Bardella (RN), Gabriel Attal (presidential majority) and Manuel Bompard (New Popular Front) debated on TF1 this Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

The opportunity for them to unfold their respective programs four days before the election. But above all, to assert their role as leader of their camp in this electoral campaign. Without too many surprises, the passes of arms and the invective will have punctuated a barely audible debate.

This is also what we are going to focus on since has already presented to you the programs of the three blocs (RN, majority camp, New Popular Front). And if you want a detailed report, find our article right here.

Gabriel Attal recalls that he is Prime Minister

The Prime Minister, with his position as head of government currently in office, never stopped questioning his adversaries on their theoretical knowledge and on the workings of the state machine.

“It would be easier for me to promise anything”, “I don’t want to make the French believe in the moon”… Little phrases heard several times during the debate. What remember who is boss ?

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“There are 50 decisions to be made at Matignon, there is no need to have an audit to know the state of public finances,” said the current Prime Minister to Jordan Bardella, mentioning a report from the Court of Auditors published recently.

“Go ahead, give us an economics lesson”

The youngest Prime Minister of the Fifth Republic will have notably contested the National Rally’s estimate of the cost of the reduction in VAT on energy proposed by the RN.

“The measure you are proposing is not 12 billion per year, it is 17 billion per year,” says the Prime Minister. A remark that was not to Jordan Bardella’s taste: “Go ahead, give us an economics lesson,” he replies.

An “arrogant” Jordan Bardella?

It is on the 28-year-old MEP, leading in the polls, that Gabriel Attal’s attacks will have focused, relegating Manuel Bompard to the background. But the president of the National Rally did not fail to respond.

“I understand that Mr. Macron tried to fire you”, “You play comedy very badly”, Stop your cinema…”, snaps Marine Le Pen’s protégé during a demonstration by Gabriel Attal on the RN’s policy on immigration, in particular the questioning of land law.

An “arrogance” which will have ended up exceeding Gabriel Attal after 10 p.m., who asks his opponent to stop with his little remarks towards him.

Manuel Bompard above the fray or excluded from the debate?

The small battles between the majority camp and the RN will perhaps have done the business of Manuel Bompard who, at times, sought to place himself above the fray. “ I let them argue“, he reacts after yet another spat between the two other debaters.

The coordinator of La France insoumise Manuel Bompard still sent his two opponents back on the ropes, ironically accusing Jordan Bardella, “the future Prime Minister of purchasing power”, of having “little by little abandoned all the measures to answer “.

“You have gorged the richest in this country,” he added, targeting Gabriel Attal and calling for an increase in the minimum wage and wages.

Some suggestions to remember

On the merits of the debate, even if has already suggested that you discover the program of the different camps, there are suggestions to keep in mind.

The president of the National Rally (RN), Jordan Bardella, defended a progressive retirement age, confirming a departure at 60 for long careers, but taking into account the possibility of retirement at 66 for a career start at 24.

Also on the question of pensions, the New Popular Front, through the voice of Manuel Bompard, noted that retirement at 60 without all the quarters will not be done not full rate.

As for nuclear power, which is the subject of debate within the NFP, Manuel Bompard ruled that it was up to the National Assembly to decide.

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