Vaucluse. How L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue wants to regulate the furnished tourist accommodation market

Vaucluse. How L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue wants to regulate the furnished tourist accommodation market
Vaucluse. How L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue wants to regulate the furnished tourist accommodation market

The City of L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, whose tourist attractions are no longer in doubt, has decided to equip itself with tools to regulate the supply of accommodation offered for seasonal rental (such as Airbnb or Abritel for cite the best known). This, in a context where, at the same time, the supply of residential housing is becoming scarce.

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According to the City, “there is no question of prohibiting tourist rentals, these measures aim to regulate a competitive market, the rapid growth of which has had serious consequences on the rental stock in Islois. Consequently, two important measures are implemented from May 27, 2024 for the city center and from November 27, 2024 for the rest of the municipality.

Assigning a unique registration number

First of all, the municipality indicates that “obtaining a registration number is now compulsory for the rental of furnished tourist accommodation in Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, whether it is a primary residence or a secondary residence. This obligation applies to everyone, including very short-term rentals. »

The change of use

The change of use is the allocation of premises intended for housing for the benefit of another use (commerce, office activity, professional activity, etc.). As such, the rental of furnished tourist accommodation constitutes a change of use.

The City of Isle-sur-la-Sorgue specifies: “The following cases are now subject to prior authorization for change of use, including retroactively: in the context of the rental of a main residence more than 120 days per year; in the context of renting a second home; as part of a rental investment. Rentals of main residences for less than 120 days per year (i.e. four months) are not affected by this obligation. The change of use request is subject to instruction. »

All procedures must be carried out via the website




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