around thirty hooded individuals attacked police officers while on patrol

around thirty hooded individuals attacked police officers while on patrol
around thirty hooded individuals attacked police officers while on patrol

The events took place at the start of the week in Val de Reuil. No officers were injured and no arrests were made.

Police officers were attacked by around thirty individuals “hooded and/or masked” during the night from Sunday to Monday in Val de Reuil (Eure), learned Le Figaro with the Évreux public prosecutor’s office, confirming information from France Blue .

No agent was injured, indicates Rémi Coutin, the prosecutor of the Évreux court, who specifies that no arrests have been made and that an investigation is underway under the direction of the prosecution.

Fireworks throwing stones and mortars

For the moment, it is impossible to really determine the motive for this attack. Police officers from the Louviers and Val de Reuil police stations were patrolling when they suddenly received stone throwing and fireworks mortars around 9 p.m., Rémi Coutin further explains. The events finally ended around 12:30 a.m. Simple desire to harm the police or real objective behind this assault? The investigation will tell.

Lately, the police have been regularly attacked by criminals. On May 9, two police officers were seriously injured by gunfire in the central police station in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. The suspect grabbed a civil servant’s weapon when he was picked up at the station. He had been arrested for the attack with a box cutter on a woman.

Even more recently, two prison officers were killed and three others were seriously injured on May 14 at the Incarville tollbooth (Eure) during a violent attack on their van. The vehicle was transporting an inmate between Rouen and Évreux who escaped. The suspect, Mohamed Amra, is actively sought.




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