nothing is going right between Villeneuve-lez- and the Zavatta circus

nothing is going right between Villeneuve-lez- and the Zavatta circus
nothing is going right between Villeneuve-lez-Avignon and the Zavatta circus

The municipality of Villeneuve-lez- authorized the installation of the traveling circus Zavatta on its territory of October 6 to 21 provided there are no wild animals. Today, this request is not respected.

“It was once they had settled in that we noticed the presence of wild animals like llamas, monkeys or even hippos,” confides Florent Grau, director of the mayor’s office. “We have nothing against circuses, we simply have to respect our conditions,” continues the chief of staff. Indeed, according to him, the City of Villeneuve-lez-Avignon informed the prefect of that the Zavatta circus could set up in the town provided that the presence of wild animals is zero. A request validated by the prefecturebut which a priori was not respected by the principal concerned.

Zavatta banned in the town

“Now that they are installed, we are not going to try to dislodge them, but in the future we will no longer accept their arrival,” explains Florent Grau. Still according to the mayor’s office, animals also escaped from the traveling complex: “there are llamas which escaped and wandered around town, but this did not cause anything serious”, reports the office. Beyond the presence of wild animals, the installation of the circus would have been done “anyhow near high-voltage cables”. Finally, the town hall specifies that this decision only concerns this particular circus. “For everyone else there is no problem as long as the conditions are respected,” concludes the director. From now on, between Villeneuve-les-Avignon and Zavatta it’s nothing.



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