Towards “collegial leadership” for the Communist Party

Towards “collegial leadership” for the Communist Party
GARD Towards “collegial leadership” for the Communist Party

This Friday, the communists gathered in the railway workers’ hall will designate four people responsible for leading the communist party after the departure of Vincent Bouget.

It was during a “federal conference” which brought together some 90 communists from that the party would prepare the succession to Vincent Bouget. The Nîmes communist, opponent of the city of Nîmes and vice-president of the Department, chose to leave his position as departmental secretary which he had held for 10 years. Its objective: to focus more on local affairs, as the 2026 municipal elections approach.

In preparation for this conference, each section sent its number of delegates in proportion to the number of their members. “ The option proposed for the moment is to appoint four federal secretaries, two men and two women », Comments one of our sources. An idea suggested by Vincent Bouget himself: “ He was inventive… It’s a bit in his logic, his way of managing the party. » This solution could be temporary, while waiting for the next national congress of the PCF.

Ultimately, it is not Sylvain André, mayor of Cendras, who will take up the torch. Contacted by us, the elected official staying on the other side of the Channel reacts: “ It is an honor to mention my name, but I am already very busy in my territory with the town hall, the Agglomeration, the presidency of rural mayors. » It remains to be known the names of this new quartet at the head of PCF 30.



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