Emilien explains why his girlfriend Jessica is absent to support him in Les 12 coups de midi

Emilien explains why his girlfriend Jessica is absent to support him in Les 12 coups de midi
Emilien explains why his girlfriend Jessica is absent to support him in Les 12 coups de midi

Jessica returned by videoconference this October 11 to support Émilien in The 12 strokes of noon. The visual arts student explained why she had been absent lately.

She’s back! After a short absence, Jessica is again present to support her boyfriend Émilien in The 12 Coups de midi. The young woman reappeared this Friday, October 11 on the occasion of the 380th participation of the Vendéen. If she was not able to go to the set of the TF1 game, she encouraged Émilien by videoconference. Questioned by Jean-Luc Reichmann, the visual arts student revealed the reasons why she is regularly absent.

We try to call each other“: Emilien explains how he experiences his long-distance relationship with Jessica in The 12 strokes of noon

Émilien had the nice surprise of seeing his partner supporting him in The 12 Coups de midi. Jean-Luc Reichmann was just as surprised by this return! “We miss you“, exclaims the host before teasing his foal: “No but it’s true. Poor guy, he lost 45 kilos, he doesn’t eat anymore, he only eats seeds.” Let the host rest assured, Émilien affirmed that the distance did not pose a problem and that he was regularly in contact with his girlfriend: “We try to have each other (on the phone, editor’s note) as much as possible, we know that it’s for a good cause, that we have a good time each on our own“, he confides. The greatest champion of 12 Midday shots also revealed his partner’s current project, a project which seems to take up a lot of his time and which prevents him from coming regularly to the set or even by videoconference.

I was selected“: Jessica absent to support Emilien in The 12 strokes of noon because of a professional project

Émilien indeed explained that Jessica had her mind occupied elsewhere: “She’s working, she’s doing her fresco, she’s in the middle of it.” Comments confirmed by Jessica herself by videoconference: “It is within the university in . I responded to a call for projects for a fresco and I was selected. So there you go, it’s progressing, it’s great.” Émilien is very proud of his partner: “A little pride, yes, absolutely. It’s great, it highlights his work. She works a lot. She’s trying to make herself known at university and on social networks… I think it’s deserved.” Jean-Luc Reichmann, very moved, concludes simply: “How cute they both are.”



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