who is this woman who died in -Atlantique?

who is this woman who died in -Atlantique?
who is this woman who died in Loire-Atlantique?


Audrey Desnos

Published on

Oct 10, 2024 at 5:55 p.m.

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This is the tragic story of a young woman found dead on the side of a road on November 25, 1982 in Cellar (-Atlantique). In legal matters, it is known as “the girl with the 10 pence coin”. Until now, neither his death nor his identity have been determined. But perhaps that could soon change.

Interpol call for witnesses: who is this dead woman in Loire-Atlantique?

“The woman with the special teeth”, “the woman with the tattooed butterflies”, “the pregnant woman with the garnet necklaces”… They are 46 women to have been dead discoveries between 1982 and 2021without their identity being able to be found by investigators.

This is why the international police organization (Interpol) launched a call for witnesses on this forty cases. An operation called “Identify Me”. Among the targeted files, we find that of a young woman found dead on the side of a road in Le Cellier.

If you recognize this young woman, fill out the Interpol form. ©Interpol

A hunter discovers a skeleton

The facts date from November 25, 1982when a hunter discovered the victim on a wasteland on the border of RD 723. “The body, fully dressed and wearing red shoes, is almost reduced to a skeleton,” reads the Interpol description.

The death dates back to a period including between June and September 1982. The causes of his death are not known.

“The girl with the 10 pence coin”

It’s also difficult to pinpoint his age. She would be between 16 and 23 years old at that time. A data concluded by the quality of his teeth. The analyzes made it possible to present the victim as a young woman at the light skinapproximately 1,65 m and to brown hair.

On her, she carried several objects that could help identify her, namely a taxiphone tokena box of matchesa metal key ring bearing the image of Napoleon and a 10 pence coinwhich also earned him his name given by investigators.

All elements and photos are available on the Interpol website. If you have information likely to advance the investigation and identify the young woman, it is possible to fill out a form on the Interpol website.

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