Find the best price to pass your technical inspection –

Find the best price to pass your technical inspection –
Find the best price to pass your technical inspection –

While the price of technical inspection can vary from three to three depending on the center and department, the State offers to compare prices online on the portal.

An essential and often dreaded formality, the technical inspection scrutinizes our vehicles through some 133 checkpoints ranging from the steering to the headlights, including axles and wheels, suspensions, chassis, braking equipment and even accessories. safety features, such as seat belts and horns, as well as noise and pollution levels. A careful review which has a cost…

According to the annual barometer established by based on the analysis of the prices of 5,506 centers, out of the 6,800 in the territory, the regulatory technical inspection of a particular thermal vehicle (excluding 4×4) was calculated in average at €79.52 in 2023. Except that enormous disparities – ranging from €45 to €120 per check – persist between establishments which freely set their prices! While the average bill was around 70% in Ariège, , or , it rose to more than €90 in the Alpes-Maritimes, , Savoie and even almost €95 in Corsica and €100 in Haute-Savoie according to this study.
Furthermore, the technical inspection of an electric or hybrid vehicle is more expensive: €86.44 on average for the first and €86.06 for the second in 2023. But it is especially automobiles that run on LPG which undergo a additional cost of almost 20% with an average inspection price estimated at €94.85 by this barometer.

To limit the cost of your technical inspection, do not hesitate to compare the prices of several centers! You can use private online comparators, but also through the official portal set up by the State in 2020 and which has recently evolved. The new address offers users interactive maps on a national, departmental or municipal scale, in order to consult the prices charged by approved establishments for private cars, 4x4s and vans, campsites. -cars and even classic cars. For their part, professionals have access to a secure remote registration procedure.

Julie Polizzi



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