Aveyron. This pleasant cruise allows you to discover the Lot Valley in a different way

Aveyron. This pleasant cruise allows you to discover the Lot Valley in a different way
Aveyron. This pleasant cruise allows you to discover the Lot Valley in a different way

By Inès Cussac
Published on

May 9, 24 at 1:12 p.m.

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Would you like a cruise? The Olt boat, which returned on May 3, offers cruises on the Lot to discover Aveyron differently. Throughout the month of May, the boat sails on the waves to offer unique and captivating walks.

The Decazeville community tourist and hydrotherapy office offers these two-hour cruises every Wednesday and Sunday. For this new season which is starting, a catering service is now offered. For lunch or dinner, it is possible to taste local specialties while enjoying a soothing landscape.

Hikes also organized

On board, passengers benefit guide comments to observe the Lot Valley. Along the water, sailors for a day discover landscapes, architecture typical of the region as well as than a different approach to nature.

Thanks to its electric motor, the Olt boat sails silently on the waters of the river.

This Friday, May 3, the first hiking cruise of the season is also organized. A 7 km hike to discover street art works around the village of Livinhac-le-Haut.

Part of the walk will also be done on the GR 65, the route to Saint-Jacques de Compostela.

To board the Olt boat, registration is required on 05 65 63 27 96 or on the Tourist Office website, here.

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