Adopting an “anti-Alzheimer” lifestyle helps slow down the expression of the disease

Adopting an “anti-Alzheimer” lifestyle helps slow down the expression of the disease
Adopting an “anti-Alzheimer” lifestyle helps slow down the expression of the disease

Viagra could reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, a study from University College London reveals. Black rice, less popular than white rice, is good for the intestines and is also good for the brain. This revelation from a neuroscientist has been circulating recently on TikTok. Coffee grounds contain caffeic acid-based compounds that may help protect brain cells, says a study, this time from the United States. Faced with this influx of advice, sometimes fanciful, sometimes realistic, how can we distinguish the right intention? Are we to believe that there are one or more ways to keep this disease at bay?

President of the scientific council of “France Alzheimer” and professor of public health at Toulouse University Hospital, Sandrine Andrieu is convinced: “We can slow down the expression of the disease“, she says. This conviction, she owes to her research work on prevention, started around ten years ago. If no treatment today provides cure, this epidemiologist affirms that there are concrete means to reduce the age of onset of Alzheimer’s And these means apply from a very young age and throughout life.

Studies, alcohol, tobacco, diet…

Among these risk factors “modifiable from an early age“, she cites intellectual stimulation in the first place. The more educated we are, the more we will resist illness. That being said, “having a good level of education will not prevent the disease but it will appear later“. If school has a protective effect against cognitive decline, brain gymnastics remains essential, especially in retirement.

Also from an early age, it is recommended to prevent head trauma. According to several surveys, single or repetitive cerebral concussions, caused in particular in certain sports such as football during headers or boxing, are rarely mentioned. However, these traumas expose one to the development of a cognitive disorder. In 2019, a Scottish study concluded that the risk was multiplied by 3.5 for Alzheimer’s. “Some federations have made efforts, she agrees. We must continue to warn of the dangers.

In adulthood, being attentive to declining hearing will protect against cognitive degeneration. 4 to 8% of Alzheimer’s cases are attributable to hearing loss. “Poor hearing is also the first step towards social isolation and this lack of interaction is itself blamed for the acceleration of the disease..”

In adulthood, there is also all the advice relating to the prevention of cardiovascular risks and cancers. In the crosshairs, tobacco. The World Health Organization estimates that 14% of cases of Alzheimer’s disease worldwide are “potentially attributable to smoking tobacco consumption“.

You remember the formula: “Alcohol is a maximum of two drinks per day, and not every day?“Well, it also applies to neurodegenerative pathologies. According to Professor Andrieu, regular and sustained consumption would lead to”the most common form of dementia. The epidemiological observation was based on 21 drinks per week. But 21 glasses is already too many!

Another recommendation is a healthy diet. Widely acclaimed, the Mediterranean diet. Among the key ingredients: fresh fruits and vegetables, fish rather than red meat, all seasoned with olive oil. “Walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds are very good for the brain.“In the same vein, she mentions physical activity as a barrier to slowing down the first symptoms of the disease, monitoring high blood pressure”from 45 years old” and the fight against obesity.

Without explaining it, the link between depression and Alzheimer’s disease is a reality. Disturbed sleep, lack of initiative, “the whole procession of signs surrounding depression“, are all factors to identify for early treatment. Because when depression is not, or insufficiently, treated, it becomes a cause.”aggravating dementia“Finally, if on an individual scale, we can fight to delay Alzheimer’s, there is a factor that is more difficult to modify: pollution.”Recent work has shown that air pollution results in poorer cognitive performance.

Still, these “cumulative factors” explain 40% of the causes of the disease. Without forgetting age which remains the main risk factor.

Even if the “anti-Alzheimer lifestyle“does not guarantee zero risk,”a few more years of good health“, Better than nothing.



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