“Intern over 30 years old is reassuring, I can ask the questions I want”: these former executives return to internship and do not regret it

“Intern over 30 years old is reassuring, I can ask the questions I want”: these former executives return to internship and do not regret it
“Intern over 30 years old is reassuring, I can ask the questions I want”: these former executives return to internship and do not regret it

“Being an intern at 35 is not trivial. But the best way to learn a trade is to do it. » Alexia is proud of her choice. After a diploma from the Excelia business school in Tours, nearly 6 years of experience in communications and having started her own business, the young woman decided to start everything from scratch. In February 2023, she enrolled at Celsa in Paris to become a journalist. A one-year training course which ends with an internship. “ Some would say that I’m courageous, for me it’s just that I would have been unhappy to stay on the path that no longer motivated me. »

Like her, others have made this surprising choice. And companies should be ready, the increase in retraining could make these profiles more and more frequent. Between 2016 and 2022, the number of workers in professional transition increased from 26.2 to 38.8% according to the Observatory of Professional Trajectories. Another study, carried out by the BVA institute for France Compétences (2021) shows that this particularly affects 25-34 year olds.

This is the case with Kevin. “ At 23 I was thinking more in terms of opportunities, career and remuneration. At 33 the criteria change. » No longer feeling in his place, he did not hesitate to leave a position earning 3,500 euros net per month as a financial consultant for start-ups to flourish in a sector that has always made him dream: sport. In 2023, he will join a specialized master’s degree at Audencia, in Paris, in responsible management of sports organizations. Too old to complete this work-study training, he undertook a work-study internship in a football club in Bordeaux. Two weeks a month, Kévin is in business in the club’s CSR department and the rest of the time in his school. Unlike a work-study program, he must pay for his training himself.

Being managed by younger people

Being an intern over 30 is surprising. And inevitably, this rite of passage is not experienced in the same way as at 20 years old. Especially when your manager is younger than you. Alexia, interning in a Parisian media outlet, is one of the oldest on her team but she has no problem being managed by younger editors. “ By nature, I have never had trouble with hierarchy. I’m here to learn and prove myself but I don’t put extra pressure on myself because at my age, I know what I’m worth. »

Clémence, former project manager in customer relationship management in Paris, wanted to change careers and become a data analyst. While she managed interns in her previous job, at 34, she is now happy to have returned to the other side of the barrier. Data analyst trainee in a large cosmetics group, she earns around 1,500 euros net per month. “ It’s quite reassuring to be an intern because I can ask all the questions I want. I’m here to learn so it doesn’t matter if I make mistakes or hesitate. »

A golden profile for businesses

When my manager saw my CV, he was surprised and put it aside at first. Finally, piqued by curiosity, he still wanted to meet me », says Kevin. Audrey Richard, director of the National Association of HR Directors (ANDRH) recognizes this, “ it can be a hindrance if you have never seen this kind of profile “. The manager may be afraid that his new recruit, who very often will have already had experience in the corporate world, will be bored with his intern missions.

But the experts are unanimous: a company has everything to gain from integrating an intern over 30 years old into its ranks. “ With his experience, he will be more efficient than a younger intern, he already has the company’s codes and will be directly operational. We can put it more easily on the front linesupports Bernard Coulaty, former HR director at Danone and Pernod Ricard and academic manager at the Ieseg school of management. And entrusting him with a mission that involves too many juniors like what you can give to a 22-year-old intern would be a waste. »

Inspired, before the start of his internship, Kevin’s manager reviewed his internship missions so that they best suited him. It’s a win-win for the company that recruits an experienced profile with an intern salary. Winner for Kevin who manages to get a foothold in an environment that is difficult to access.

Temporary financial difficulties

But then, when you are 30 years old, the start of your professional life behind you, it is not always easy to have to tighten your belt during these few months of internship. Since January 1, 2024, the legal minimum for bonuses has been set at 669 euros per month for full-time work of 7 hours per day over 22 days worked. So, everyone has their own strategy to get out of it.

Alexia, who receives this minimum, had to move from Biarritz to Paris and is staying with friends free of charge. Kevin receives unemployment and internship benefits. To pay his training costs, he opted for a student loan of 16,500 euros. “ I lost almost 1,200 euros per month compared to before, but that’s enough for me to live on. » A situation that is not always easy but which offers them opportunities they would not have imagined. And above all, everyone sees it as temporary. “ These are sacrifices but acceptable if you have a clear goal. »

For Clémence, doing an internship at the end of her training was not an obligation but she still seized the opportunity. According to her, “ It’s great to find yourself in this position at over 30 years old. I feel more confident looking for a permanent contract “.



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