“Pillage” of clams in the Channel: strong reactions from professionals in the sector

“Pillage” of clams in the Channel: strong reactions from professionals in the sector
“Pillage” of clams in the Channel: strong reactions from professionals in the sector


Sebastien Lucot

Published on

May 31, 2024 at 8:58 a.m.
; updated May 31, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

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The denunciation of the Association of Amateur Fishermen of La Manche (Apam) of Sénéquet, affirming a “ organized looting ” of the clam on the west coast of the Manche coast by professional fishermen arouses strong reactions. The Manche Departmental Committee of recreational marine fishing (CPML50), with its 2,600 members, is one of them.

Faced with the launch of a petition from Apam asking in particular “ an immediate cessation of professional fishing as soon as the annual quota of 150 tonnes is reached”, did not wish to be involved in the process.

The main reason being the outcome of the last meeting consultation of the Departmental Directorate of Territories and the Sea (DDTM) on March 28 last, bringing together around a table the actors of the clam fishing and the shell in the Sleeve.

There was no exchange or proposal, but rather a duel between associations and professionals.

Denis Richard, president of CPML50

” A duel “

According to him, during this meeting, the word “ fallow » appeared and caused fear of closures of certain deposits.

This will not be without impact on tourist activity and associated economic activities in this area,” relayed a few days ago, Didier Mabille, president of Apam Le Sénéquet.

The association filed complaintas well as Natural Handle, in March 2024 against the use of electric bikes on the foreshore by professionals. “A word which caused the launch of this petition”, says Alain Cosset, vice-president of the CNPL50.

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The working group led on this subject of contention, under the leadership of maritime affairs, was however not alarmist, particularly regarding the clam resource.

If the Apam du Sénéquet highlights the Smel study (Sea & Coastline Synergy) carried out in 2018 where “ the stock had been estimated at 380 tonnes », specifies Didier Mabille, the CPML50 highlights a study that is “aging and not representative”. “Several associations participated in this study. This was only done on a few square meters, in certain places. »

Avoid escalation

For the committee, there is no “danger ahead”. Alain Cosset discusses the marine culture of Japanese clams gray in color, with the creation of concessions to Chausey Islands in the years 1990.

This invasive species is proliferating on the west coast to the detriment of European clams, which are more blue and pink. We can now find them as far as Saint-Jean-de-la-Rivière, where clams did not exist until a few years ago.

Alain Cosset, vice-president of CNPL50

“80% boaters and 20% professionals”

In an article published Sunday May 26, 2024, Dimitri Rogoff, president of the Regional Committee for Maritime Fisheries and Marine Farming (CRPMEM) of Normandy, put forward these figures: “Clam fishing in the Channel is 80% boaters and 20% professionals. »

However, for Didier Mabille, this estimate dates from 2018 when professionals declared 12 tons taken from the foreshore: “This statement was taken up by the DDTM, so I don’t blame them. But in 2023, in the report of the CRPMEM shore fishing commission, the figures have changed. We went from 12 to 86 tons », Comments the president of Apam du Sénéquet.

For him, this significant increase is explained by “the opening of the Coudeville-sur-Mer and Bricqueville-sur-Mer deposits last July”, a commune where a public meeting organized by this association will be held on Sunday 2 June.

With 86 tonnes in six months, the quota of 150 tonnes will probably be reached in 2024.

Didier Mabille, president of Apam du Sénéquet

Three vehicles vandalized

The agreement between certain amateur fishermen and the 105 licensees has not always been in good shape. Even less recently: “ Three professional fishermen’s vehicles were vandalized last week », Reports Dimitri Rogoff.

This latent animosity risks slowing down the debate around this thorny subject. This is what the CPML50 wishes to avoid, for fear that this situation will ultimately turn against the recreational fishing that they defend. “ We need constructive, courteous exchanges and real consultation », underlines Denis Richard.

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