Europe. The MP for Lot asks to measure the challenges for France in the face of the risks of drift

Europe. The MP for Lot asks to measure the challenges for France in the face of the risks of drift
Europe. The MP for Lot asks to measure the challenges for France in the face of the risks of drift

By Jean-Claude Bonnemère
Published on

May 9, 24 at 12:30

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Huguette Tiegna, MP for Lotpublished in this Europe Daya platform through which she recalls the challenges facing the France and it also requires measuring the progress accomplished under the leadership of the President Emmanuel Macron.

The MP for Lot claims to be part of the Party of Europe

» Paris is well worth a mass. » Let us remember this phrase attributed to Henry IV, who put an end to the terrible war of religion between Protestants and Catholics and who, as a result, saved France! Europe is, today, if we are not careful, in the same situation of danger, as the factions which dispute it are armed with bad designs towards it.

On April 25 at the Sorbonne, the President of the Republic said nothing else to awaken consciences: “We must be lucid about the fact that our Europe, today, is mortal. She can die, and it only depends on our choices. » It is therefore important not to be mistaken: this is not a municipal, departmental or even regional election, awaiting our votes, but it is about Europe, the creation of which dates back almost three quarters of century which have marked, on many points, our daily lives. The real issue is France’s place within it. Should we marginalize it and leave Germany alone in charge? Or reinforce it, revitalize it, make it more audible and strong, able to influence the orientations and destiny of the 350 million citizens who make it up?

I know the siren song of those who want to lead us towards shipwreck, those who tinge themselves with “socialism” to lull the vigilance of our peasants, our workers, our middle classes, our young people, our retirees, our our firefighters… This smokescreen no longer even takes the trouble to hide its true nature! Yes, I am talking about those who proclaim themselves “nationalists”, rather than patriots. The nuance is significant when we know that when we marry them, it gives, in the worst moments of the 20the century, “national socialism”. So may the future protect us from such a danger that History has, I hope forever, kept from our path.

For a “powerful, prosperous and humanist Europe”

Yes, the presidential majority has arbitrated on many subjects, adaptations, even reorientations, let’s not disagree! However, it remains true that on Europe, its compass has not moved one iota. We are the party of Europe, with pride and fervor, as we have faith in the strength of the unity of the peoples of Europe to assert ourselves in fundamental areas – economic, cultural, political, military – in the face of other blocs. , from America, Asia and elsewhere.

This was, in 2017, the meaning of the first speech at the Sorbonne, during which Emmanuel Macron called for a more united, more sovereign, more democratic Europe. In seven years, major progress has been made, particularly in health, ecological transition, agriculture, technologies, and the Erasmus program; nevertheless, the challenges are still there, more dangerous, more

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The three axes of Emmanuel Macron’s European project

This is why, at the end of April, the President of the Republic renewed his European project along three axes: building a “powerful Europe”, a Europe of prosperity and a humanist Europe. So, the choice for the June 9 election is quite simple in my eyes: on the one hand, succumb too easily to the siren song; on the other, to help France grow within Europe and offer it the means to guarantee its place by knowing how to make the will of the French heard at its level.

In view of the many challenges facing our Europe today, I call on the people of Lot to choose the presidential majority for a strong France in a strong Europe.

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