“The start of the school year already promises to be complicated”: there will still be a shortage of teachers at the start of the school year

“The start of the school year already promises to be complicated”: there will still be a shortage of teachers at the start of the school year
“The start of the school year already promises to be complicated”: there will still be a shortage of teachers at the start of the school year

Friday, in Tournefeuille, in the Toulouse metropolis (Haute-Garonne), the parents of students at the Georges-Lapierre elementary school hung ribbons on the gates. This operation called “the ribbons of anger” aims to denounce the unreplaced absences of two teachers since the end of March. At the rate of a piece of fabric per day without a teacher, they intend to express their dissatisfaction with the situation experienced by their children. That’s a little more than 60 ribbons for the 63 days without substitutes, for the three classes and the 80 children affected. A situation that we find almost everywhere in France with many primary schools affected by these repeated absences and the lack of replacement solutions.

Unfortunately, the situation is not likely to improve next year. This is what the first results of the written results of the recruitment competition for school teachers (CRPE) show. These are the eligibility tests for the external CRPE which provides the bulk of the contingent of future primary school teachers. Candidates who have successfully completed this stage will still have to go through the final stages of admission in May and June. These partial results (the academies of Nancy and Mayotte are currently missing) already indicate that not all positions will be filled at the next school year.



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