Unstable rocks dynamited above a Uranian road gallery – rts.ch

Unstable rocks dynamited above a Uranian road gallery – rts.ch
Unstable rocks dynamited above a Uranian road gallery – rts.ch

Around 1,500 tonnes of rock were dynamited on Friday above the “Axenfluh” gallery, on the Axen road, near Flüelen (UR). The road, closed to traffic since September 29, could be reopened on October 13.

This safety blasting aimed to remove a potentially dangerous pile of rocks, according to the Federal Roads Office.

In recent weeks, measuring devices have observed rock movements above a collector located near the gallery.

Part of the lake closed to boats

During the duration of the work, an area of ​​the lake is closed to navigation, because it was within the radius of the possible fall of the stone blocks.

The Axen road, which overlooks Lake Lucerne, must be regularly closed due to rockfalls. Work on a new road began in August 2023, a future route mainly in a tunnel.


Published at 4:25 p.m. Amended at 5:40 p.m.

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