Three police officers injured after being hit by a fleeing driver

Three police officers injured after being hit by a fleeing driver
Three police officers injured after being hit by a fleeing driver

On the night of October 1 to 2, 2024, a refusal to comply led to a violent chase involving the Gendarmerie Surveillance and Intervention Platoon (PSIG) of Ancenis in the metropolitan area.

Three gendarmes were slightly injured after being hit by a driver on the road to , in Carquefou.

The facts

Around 1 a.m., the gendarmes, all in their thirties, attempted to intercept a vehicle following a refusal to comply. As they approached the Belle-Etoile roundabout, the fleeing driver, driving at high speed, suddenly swerved the wheel to the left, deliberately hitting the police vehicle.

Under the impact, the PSIG car rolled several times before ending up on its roof, in a ditch filled with water. The driver then fled, leaving behind the three injured gendarmes as reported by Ouest-.

Rescue and investigation

Quickly, other police officers as well as firefighters intervened to rescue their colleagues. The injured soldiers were transported to the Nantes university hospital for examinations. Fortunately, their injuries are considered minor.

An investigation was opened, and the Nantes public prosecutor’s office qualified these facts in attempted intentional homicide of persons holding public authority. The driver is still wanted.


This incident once again highlights the dangerous nature of refusals to comply, which have been constantly increasing in recent years. Law enforcement officers are confronted with this type of risky behavior on a daily basis, endangering their safety.

The authorities hope to quickly find the perpetrator of this act so that he can answer for his actions before the courts.



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