Lifting of immunity requested for two UDC elected officials after the altercation with the police at the Federal Palace –

Lifting of immunity requested for two UDC elected officials after the altercation with the police at the Federal Palace –
Lifting of immunity requested for two UDC elected officials after the altercation with the police at the Federal Palace –

The Federal Prosecutor’s Office (MPC) is calling for the lifting of the immunity of SVP national councilors Thomas Aeschi (ZG) and Michael Graber (VS) following a complaint filed after an altercation between the politicians and federal police officers at the Federal Palace.

The scuffle took place during the visit of the speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament on June 12. Following this visit, the MPC had received a complaint, he confirmed to Keystone-ATS on Wednesday. The National Council’s immunity committee is now examining the MPC’s request.

A positive decision would authorize the OAG to conduct criminal proceedings for impediment to perform an official act. The presumption of innocence applies. The online magazine Republik was the first to report the MPC’s request on Wednesday.

>> Review the subject from 7:30 p.m. after the altercation of June 12:

Altercation between UDC elected officials and the police under the federal dome / 7:30 p.m. / 2 min. / June 12, 2024

Thomas Aeschi and his party colleague Michael Graber were energetically repulsed by armed agents of the federal police on the sidelines of the visit of the speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament on June 12. The two elected officials did not want to respect a security cordon.

The security perimeter was set up for a photo session between the President of the Ukrainian Parliament Ruslan Stefantchouk and the President of the National Council Eric Nussbaumer. This meeting took place shortly before the peace conference on Ukraine in Bürgenstock (NW).

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