The Global 50 2024 world rankings revealed

The Global 50 2024 world rankings revealed
The Global 50 2024 world rankings revealed

The Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting firm formalized, Tuesday, October 1, the release of the Global 50 2024 ranking, the world ranking of the largest publishers on the planet. The latter is already available for purchase, in English, at the following address.

Above all, in French, the ranking is published in its full version, commented and analyzed, in LH Le Magazine dated October 2024, and will soon be published online on the occasion of the Frankfurt Fair which opens on October 16. This reference ranking benefits from a joint release in Weekly Books In , Publishers Weekly in the United States, The Bookseller in the United Kingdom, DPR in Germany and Bookdao in China.

A ranking that has been a reference since 2007

Since its first edition in 2007, the Global 50 Publishing ranking provides a comprehensive and in-depth annual overview of the global book industry, with rankings of global publishing leaders, analysis of key trends and strategic developments, detailed company profiles, rich in key earnings data financial, mergers and acquisitions, structural developments, management changes, corporate restructuring or even digital and AI-related innovations.

The report reflects this year “surprising continuities and profound changes in an industry that is experiencing very dynamic consolidation as well as transformative forces that are radically reshaping the business and distribution models of consumer books, educational materials and scholarly and professional information services “, indicates the firm Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting in a press release.



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