Rhone: Valère Ségal elected 1st Vice-President for Mobility

On the occasion of the Rhone agglomeration council which took place this Monday, September 30, community advisors were called to elect the 1st Vice-President for Mobility, replacing Claire Lapeyronie, former mayor of Pont-Saint-Esprit .

Candidate presented by the Rhone Gard Agglomeration, Valère Ségal, Mayor of Pont-Saint-Esprit was elected against his main opponent within the Spiripontain municipal council, Emmanuel Le Pargneux.

Valère Ségal spoke before the assembly of the Gard Rhodanien Agglomeration, on the occasion of his candidacy for the position of 1st vice-president.

“A few months ago, I would not have imagined finding myself in front of this assembly,” he began, highlighting the progress made by his team and himself. “We formed a collective that counted neither its time nor its efforts,” he added, paying tribute to the unfailing commitment of his collaborators.

Valère Ségal also wanted to pay tribute to Gérôme Bouvier, whose legacy continues to guide the actions of his Spiripontaine list. “Adherence to our project is no longer based on doctrines, but on a common desire to simply and effectively improve the daily lives of our fellow citizens,” he declared, emphasizing the importance of unity and cohesion.

“The Gard Rhodanien agglomeration runs through my veins,” he affirmed, before emphasizing that all actions carried out with the support of the assembly will be guided by the need for calm and stability. “We must unite without denying our values, here, by and for our fellow citizens,” he continued, calling for constructive and respectful collaboration.

Valère Ségal then addressed the crucial role of mobility, as vice-president responsible for this area. “Mobility is the ability of everyone to move freely, but it is also a vector of progress, equality and hope,” he explained. He welcomed the efforts already made by the assembly to take into account mobility issues and insisted on the importance of giving everyone the opportunity to move freely.

“Connecting our hamlets, villages and towns is essential to creating a cohesive community,” he said, before emphasizing the importance of health to achieve true mobility. “To achieve mobility, we need doctors, nurses, and many other health professionals. This task is immense, but there are many hopes. I must and we must succeed to allow our children to live at home and our elders to age peacefully,” he concluded with determination.

For his part, Emmanuel Le Pargneux indicated that he “takes a rather dim view of this election” of the one “capable of cutting off the microphone from his opponents within the Spiripontain municipal council”. Hoping that this is not the case in this meeting of the agglomeration council. The elected representative of the National Rally also criticized the Spiripontain councilor for his “tendency to abandon certain projects with the stroke of a pen”.

In conclusion, Emmanuel Le Pargneux indicated that he wanted to “represent Pont-Saint-Esprit while considering collective needs” and ensure that Valère Ségal “dedicates his time to what he was elected for, that is to say improving the “territory health provision”.

It was ultimately Valère Ségal who was elected with 52 votes out of 71 elected officials present (12 votes for Le Pargneux and 7 blank or invalid ballots).



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