Murder of Bellon: how the Duchy clan imposed terror

Murder of Bellon: how the Duchy clan imposed terror
Murder of Bellon: how the Duchy clan imposed terror

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On the stand, with his outspokenness, Serge delivered an edifying testimony. His niece was herself under the influence of the clan. Like Matthieu Dallibert. And he came to extract him from the clutches of this family. He shared a few days with them. Infiltrated. “I asked myself questions, there were things that weren’t going right. » He saw how Matthieu Dallibert was treated. The house slave who slept on a mattress on the floor.

“Matthew could have been saved, I had reported it, I had given all the details”

“I asked Isabelle Duché if she wasn’t afraid that he would leave their home and talk. She coldly explained to me that it wasn’t a problem. That they would put him on a table, change a light bulb and hang him from a wire to simulate suicide. I told myself he was in danger. I went to see the Mayenne gendarmes to tell them. I told myself that this person was ready for anything. Everyone was under the orders of Isabelle Duché. It was the director! »

At the stand, the septuagenarian burst into tears. “Matthieu could have been saved, I had reported it, I had given all the details! For me, only Isabelle Duché and those who carried out this killing know where he is. But they won’t tell you, these people are crazy! »

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He remembers Matthieu’s look: “You would have seen this kid at the end of the table, he was petrified… Having a hold like that on people, you really have to be professionals…” Laurine, Isabelle’s daughter, explained at the helm wanting to get out of this climate of terror. “You don’t know what they are capable of… The manipulations, the beatings… Even today I’m afraid. » Same story for Anne-Lise, another Duché girl: “In the morning, we didn’t know what sauce we were going to be eaten with”. On the murder, Laurine again accuses Isabelle Duché. “My mother said we had to do it.” Eliminate Matthew, so he doesn’t speak.

Daughters fuck mother

Behind her, Isabelle Duché, in a wheelchair, glares at her, sighs. Moment of hesitation. Laurine persists. “If she hadn’t been there, this wouldn’t have happened. She destroyed her children. » Anne-Lise drives the point home: “She called my sister a nigger whore, another a jerk and my two brothers fags…” Laurine confirms: “When they knew I liked women, they hit me with a broomstick, they dragged me by my hair. » The verdict is expected on Friday. Nicolas Duché and his mother Isabelle face life imprisonment. As in first instance.



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