Jean-Marie Bigard, a crazy fortune between 80 and 100 million euros: his disappointing retirement…

Jean-Marie Bigard, a crazy fortune between 80 and 100 million euros: his disappointing retirement…
Jean-Marie Bigard, a crazy fortune between 80 and 100 million euros: his disappointing retirement…

Jean-Marie Bigard has amassed a (very) substantial fortune thanks to his career as a comedian! But the 70-year-old actor receives a much “smaller” retirement than he would have thought.

Jean-Marie Bigard is “one of the comedians who earned the most money in “, declared Cyril Hanouna, who received him this September 22, 2024 in his show Facing Baba. If he was extremely well paid for decades, Lola Marois’ husband now receives a retirement that he values ​​”petite“compared to its old stamps…

Jean-Marie Bigard: his enormous fortune… and his “small” retirement

The comedian touched “between 80 and 100 million euros“, according to the words of Cyril Hanouna which were confirmed by the main person concerned. It must be said that Jean-Marie Bigard has rarely rested on his laurels in recent decades! “A zenith is 5,000 people… I earned 100,000 euros per day, and I did 150 dates per year“, he detailed.

Despite this amassed fortune, the 70-year-old actor – who had a very expensive divorce with his ex-wife Claudia, who was given an apartment in Rio, Brazil – receives a pension which is much smaller than his former salary. (but still a very nice sum). “What is surprising is that we don’t pay the performers, we only pay the authors. (…) If I had not been an author, I would have been entitled to roughly… Not even 3,000 retirement dollars. (…) Thanks to my copyright, I earn 6,000 dollars per month“, he lambasted.

“You pay for everything and you have nothing left!” : Bigard’s rant

Despite everything, this father of three children, Sasha, 15 years old, born from a former union, and twins Jules and Bella, 12 years old, fruits of his love with Lola Marois, considers that he should have received a much higher pension. consequent: “I generated a lot of money, I paid for a lot of things, I was squeezed like a lemon. I have never paid tax in the islands. When you pay for everything like an honest citizen that I am, you actually have nothing left. (…) Where did everything go wrong? At Michel Barnier’s!

Some time ago, the comedian and occasional resident of Big Heads of RTL had confided to Jordan De Luxe that he had been “riche“. “And I am much less so, I must admit. I tend to be a bit of a sieve. I squandered all the fortune I earned for others, to do good here and there“Jean-Marie Bigard is not broke and continues to perform on stage. From October 12, he will be touring throughout France for his show.”I’ll stop the bullshit“.



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