First public employment fair in Reunion: orientation and training, the civil service is recruiting

First public employment fair in Reunion: orientation and training, the civil service is recruiting
First public employment fair in Reunion: orientation and training, the civil service is recruiting

This Tuesday, April 30, 2024, the first Public Job Fair is organized in Saint-Denis. In partnership with France Travail and the prefecture, the objective is to guide and inform students, job seekers and apprentices towards possible careers in the public service. The young people were there.

Annaëlle Dorressamy / Laura Schintu

Published on April 30, 2024 at 12:48 p.m.,
updated April 30, 2024 at 12:55 p.m.

A job dating in the public sector takes place this Tuesday, April 30, 2024, in Saint-Denis.

From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., job seekers, students and apprentices set out to discover the jobs offered by the three public services. Namely, the state civil service, the territorial civil service and the hospital civil service.

Watch the report from Réunion La 1ère:

The first public employment fair attracts vocations

Through exchanges with professionals, young people are informed about the possibilities of access to jobs audiences, training offers and the specificities of the professions.

The objective is to show all the attractiveness of civil service professions. Today, the public service represents just over 80,000 jobs in Reunion, which represents one job in three. This is one of the highest rates in France.

Nathalie Infante, general secretary for regional affairs to the prefect

The aim of this job dating is also to encourage vocations.

People have a lot of representations. So, the objective is to make them understand that it is the care of minors at the criminal level. These are minors who have committed misdemeanors or crimes. We try to make them understand that it is also linked to social news in Reunion.

Delphine Merencier, educator in the field of judicial protection of youth

For Karim Ravate, job seeker, this show is an opportunity “to learn new things”. “It’s interesting, because I’m discovering the competition and career possibilities in the civil service”said the young man.

At the stand which brings together the CHU and the GHER, professions in the hospital civil service are highlighted. In total, 150 professions are presented in this sector, providing the best information for young students and job seekers.

We still need nursing professions, particularly operating room nurses and nurse anesthetists.

Sandrine, recruitment at the CHU

“I like the job of ambulance driver, because it’s the field of helping people. If we need information, people are there to guide us and help us,” testifies Rosita Marimoutou, student in Economic and Social Administration at the University.

The civil service demonstrates its desire to recruit. Potential candidates have more visibility thanks to this show.



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